
Key Stage 3

Year 7

Programme of Study

Click on any subject to view the curriculum

Learning Organisers for each unit of work can be found on Sharepoint.

View our Complete Year 7 & 8 Curriculum

Year 8

Programme of Study

Click on any subject to view the curriculum

Learning Organisers for each unit of work can be found on Sharepoint.

Year 9

Programme of Study

We aim to ensure that all students can access a personalised curriculum which is also broad, balanced and suitably challenging. Therefore, as part of this, we would like to offer a personalised timetable for our Year 9 students.

The purpose of a different curriculum offer is to provide an element of choice for students, whilst still offering a range of subjects which will enable them to succeed and thrive. This will enhance the level of engagement for students and provide an opportunity to learn from making decisions which affect them. By offering a bespoke Key Stage 3 curriculum, students will be able to pursue those subjects they are good at and also enjoy the most.

All students will study the following subjects:

Subject Number of lessons per week
English 4
Maths 4
Science 4
A Modern Foreign Language 2
History 2
Geography 2
RS 2
Computing 1
PE 1
Total 24

Any student who is studying a Guided Learning Programme will complete this as part of the appropriate subject above.

Click on any subject to view the curriculum

Learning Organisers for each unit of work can be found on Sharepoint.