
Individual Needs


The Team

All students have individual needs; there are some students who find learning more challenging than others and some who need to be challenged more. At John Taylor Free School, we provide an inclusive education where everyone can “succeed and thrive”.



Mrs L Bosworth

Deputy SENDCo

Mrs S Mellors

Assistant SENDCo

Mrs R Hall

Assistant SENDCo


The SENDCo is Mrs Bosworth who oversees the needs of students who have additional needs. Students are assessed to support the identification of additional needs. Learning Support Assistant deployment (i.e. in-class support/withdrawal etc.) is dependent upon the needs of the student cohort. Miss Woolley and Mrs Hall are Assistant SENDCOs and support Mrs Bosworth with the Individual Needs Team.

We have arrangements in place to ensure that students are supported throughout the Free School. This includes a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEND. We also have effective provision that improves the long-term outcomes for students. We use our resources and expertise to:

It is Mrs Bosworth’s responsibility to support students at key stages of transition, particularly those students who have EHC plans. We work with a range of professionals from education- and health-related organisations, to ensure that key milestones are met and that the plans are reviewed every 12 months.

The Free School makes specialist provision using technology and software for students with English as an Additional Language (EAL).


Working with the most able

Ensuring that the most able in state schools are given the opportunity to fulfil their potential, has become an area of focus in the Education and Adoption Bill (2016). It has long since been a key priority for John Taylor High School, is an area of MAT-wide development and will be a strength for the Free School.

The most able are identified on entry from a range of sources – primary assessment information and baseline testing on entry (CAT4) – and remain a distinct group (“most able on entry”) that we track and monitor throughout their learning journey. However, in addition, we will include additional students who, through their own development and our teaching, make greater than expected progress to the extent where they emerge as the most able. There are opportunities for co-delivery and competition between the Free School, John Taylor High School and other schools in the Multi-Academy Trust and beyond.

Examples include public speaking and debating competitions, Mock Trial, Science Olympiads, UK Maths Challenge, Young Enterprise, and other inter-school events. In addition, visiting lecturers, trips to universities and other sites of interest to the most able (e.g. the particle accelerator at CERN, Geneva) add further richness to the school experience.

Mr J Lomas – Lead Teacher for Literacy and HPA


Provision for LAC

Mr Warner, amongst other roles and responsibilities, is our LAC Coordinator. He ensures that all Personal Education Plans are completed at appropriate times and that milestones are met. The Free School adheres to the provision for LAC students that is made in the School Admissions Code and the document “Promoting the education of looked after children” DfE July 2012.

To contact Mr Warner, please email: