Headteacher's Blog

The JTFS Community Spirit

"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

This quote is usually attributed to an African proverb and suggests that an entire community of people must interact with a child in order for them to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. It has never been more appropriate than now, when we require a whole community approach to bring our children up and support them during a time of global crisis.

Our school, and many others like it, has provided not only an education over the course of this year but we have provided food for those families in need, uniform when families are struggling, information to our community to help keep it safe and been a source of support for students and their parents.

In return, our families have supported us with changes to routines and processes; backed us up when we have needed to enforce new systems and when required, they have helped us to educate their children with remote learning during lockdown or self isolation. There is no doubt that we are all under pressure, but I am constantly reminded that the strength of the relationships we have and the power of the JTFS community is what will hold us up during this very difficult time.

For such a “young” school, I feel incredibly proud of this achievement – that our school serves its community and in turn, our community supports us.

Sue Plant


If you have questions or would like to know more about our school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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