Is definitely not my style. I am a people person. I like to see people, talk to them face to face. Until last month, I only sent emails when absolutely necessary, held meetings when essential information had to be shared. I would much rather pop into someone’s classroom for a quick chat, speak to them over the table at lunchtime or in the corridor. It is so easy to say “Yes I am fine thanks” on an email; so much harder to look someone in the eye when you’re feeling terrible and say the same thing.
In today’s world, we have had to adapt, to change, be flexible and resilient. The hardest of all the ethical leadership values for me to role model has been optimism – how do you exude hope and optimism when the world around you is gloomy and dark?
I would describe myself as a resilient person and one who is eternally optimistic so here, I draw on my experience and think about the positives of leading from a laptop.
I have long since been a champion of flexible working. Roles within my school are advertised with the line “applications are welcome from candidates who want to work flexibly”. I always ask at interview what flexibility looks like for the applicant as it means different things to different people. Now more than ever, teachers are working creatively and flexibly and this should be celebrated. Most recently, the online meetings I have organised are scheduled carefully so that staff can juggle the rest of their life as well as contribute to the meeting.
Leading from a laptop means that we need to know which of our staff have very young children, making the plates of “teaching” and “home” even harder to spin; we need to know who is looking after elderly or vulnerable parents; doing their shopping or collecting medicines. It is up to me to know who is struggling emotionally with the uncertain world and who is in a position where their partner could be made redundant. When you are face to face with your colleagues, this is often easier to do. Long distance, remote working, it is very difficult to do. But in these uncertain times it is absolutely essential that we make time to know our colleagues well. One of the positives from this situation is the honesty and trust that has developed from some really difficult conversations. The team know that I am on their side, I have their back and trust them to do their job.
We have to appreciate that not everyone is available all of the time. My own children are 13 and 15 and very independent. However, there were days last week when I moved from staff recruitment, to helping with Geography homework (15 year old), budgets, science homework (with the younger one), equations (15 year old), School Risk Assessment, recovery planning and it goes on… We all have our own challenges and as a leader we must be flexible and adaptable enough to respond to the needs of our staff. Constant communication, respect for others and trust are the key ingredients to making this work.
We have used Microsoft 365 as a way of ensuring effective communication. Schemes of learning are planned collaboratively on SharePoint, Teams allows us to chat, discuss and share documents within and between subjects. All remote learning is set on Go4Schools so that students and their parents are all seeing the same resources and the same instructions – this keeps the message consistent and clear.
Personal Tutors are making weekly phone calls and are in regular email contact with their tutees; this has been the most important and mutually beneficial aspect of remote learning. Relationships have been built and maintained; staff and students know each other in a way that wasn’t evident before. As a teacher or a student, this human contact during times of potential isolation is a wonderful opportunity to connect.
The curriculum map that is usually on the wall in school, is now on a shared spreadsheet which everyone can see and contribute to. Meetings take place via Teams so that face to face communication isn’t lost. We have even planned a virtual staff Friday night social so that people don’t feel isolated!
Line managers check in with their colleagues to see how they are doing and if any support is required. This is a check in not a check up – we are trusting staff to do their job; albeit in a different way and sometimes at a different time but I know my colleagues are doing their best to support each other and their students.