John Taylor Free School


John Taylor Free School has an inclusive approach, offering high quality education for all local 11-18 year olds.

On 7 October 2024, we held our Open Evening for prospective students to start year 7 in September 2025.

We are running tours of the school during the day between 11 and 23 October.

If you missed the Open Evening, or if you would just like to have a look as our students work to succeed and thrive, just follow the link to sign up, after 6pm on Thursday 10 October.

Tours are available on the following dates and times:

Date First Tour Second Tour Third Tour
Friday 11th October 9:30am  11:30am 2:00pm
Monday 14th October 9:30am  11:30am 2:00pm
Wednesday 16th October 9:15am 11:15am 1:45pm
Thursday 17th October 9:30am  11:30am 2:00pm
Wednesday 23rd October 9:15am 11:15am 1:45pm

Booking opens at 6pm on Thursday 10 October.

For the latest happenings around school, read our weekly newsletter

Choose us for your child

Why John Taylor Free School

We are non-selective, welcoming children of all faiths, social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

We offer a broad, balanced, high quality curriculum, underpinned by exceptional support, care and guidance.

We work effectively alongside neighbouring schools.

We are a learning hub for the wider community, seeking to contribute to cohesion in an area of new housing development with limited alternative local amenities.

We equip our young people with the knowledge, experiences, skills and attributes to enable success beyond school.

As a partner school within JTMAT, the focus is on the achievement and progress of all students, the acquisition of key learning skills, and the development of leadership attributes and experiences – both within and beyond the taught curriculum.

For more information:

In Year Admissions

Any parent/carer who wishes to complete an in-year transfer to John Taylor Free School should contact the school in the first instance.

Further information can also be found on the Staffordshire County Council website.

If you wish to make an application you should complete this application form and forward this to school.

We will advise you of the outcome of your application within 10 school days or at the very latest within 15 school days.