Term Dates

Summer Term 2022

Note: May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 2 May

Staff INSET Day on Monday 6 June

School Closed (JTMAT Training Day) on Friday 8 July

School closed on Thursday 21 July in lieu of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 

Term Starts Monday 25 April
Half Term Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June
Term Ends Wednesday 20 July (12:30 finish)
Holiday Thursday 21 July – Friday 2 September


Our Grading

97 – 100%

This is excellent.

92 - 97%

This is below our expected level of attendance and you will be monitored.

90 – 92%

This is significantly below our expected level of attendance. You will receive a letter home and be monitored.

Below 90%

You are missing at least six weeks of learning in the school year and this could result in statutory action.



Being punctual is an important life skill, linked to our STRIPE behaviour of being a Self-manager.

In guidance, issued by the Government, schools are required to code lateness to school in two ways. An “L” code is used for lateness until registration closes (this is usually about 15 minutes after school has started) or a “U” code for lateness after registration has closed. A “U” code is classed as an unauthorised absence and therefore could lead to the Local Authority issuing penalties or prosecution. Schools are obliged to keep a late log, where explanations are recorded for the reasons why a student is late.

Therefore, we ask that every effort is made to ensure that all students arrive at school punctually. The school gates are open from 08:15. Should there be any issue with lateness which you wish to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly.

It is important to us that every student arrives to school on time and is ready and prepared to engage in their learning. That learning takes place as soon as the student enters the school building.

To help qualify the potential loss learning time due to being late:

Don’t let your child miss out – help them to reach their full potential – get them to school on time!

Succeed and Thrive

John Taylor Free School

“This is the first new school to be built in Staffordshire for a generation and I am delighted to be the founding Headteacher. Since we opened, we have worked hard to build a strong JTFS community; together we are creating a school which is not only outstanding but “stands out” from others. John Taylor Free School develops both the academic success which enables students to continue their educational journey, in addition to those characteristics which enable them to thrive personally and in society –  JTFS students will “succeed and thrive”.

Stay up to date with all of the latest school news

Our Expectations

Turn Up, Work Hard and Be Nice

“We expect students to explore the world around them with a curious and open mind, to learn to lead and know when to be led; to be prepared to try, fail and learn so that they can be even more successful next time around. Team work, resilience, respect and a passion for excellence are all central to our culture and climate. Students, staff and the community around the Free School are prepared to support each other to live and learn together.  

John Taylor Free School is a creative and innovative environment. We are at the forefront of educational research and deliver success through a coaching for excellence model. Our staff are as committed to this vision as I am, and together, we will not settle for anything less. We have high standards and expectations for our students; we expect everyone to strive to be the very best that they can be. When students “Turn Up, Work Hard and Be Nice” they can achieve anything!

I hope you are just as excited as I am about the opportunities available for students. Our school is a vibrant and warm community with a positive climate for learning at its heart.”

Mrs Plant
