Headteacher's Blog

GCSE Results 2023

Well Done Year 11!

We are delighted that our Year 11 students (who took a leap of faith by joining a brand new school when they were in Year 7) have shown superb resilience in overcoming the various challenges that they have faced to enable them to succeed and thrive with us.

As the first students, there were no older role models for them to learn from, they had the Covid disruption to deal with as well as the challenges of new cohorts of staff and students every year! Their STRIPE habits have supported their journey and we are also pleased that so many of them will be continuing their education for P16 with us.

“I am so proud of our founding cohort! They worked hard for these results and deserve to celebrate their success. When we opened our doors in 2018, I remember saying to them in assembly that I had a vision that every student would be able to succeed and thrive at John Taylor Free School within a climate of excellence. The smiles on their faces today have made that vision a reality – so many happy students who have been really successful with these exams. They can now take the next step in their educational journey, whether that is here or elsewhere.” – Headteacher, Mrs Plant.

Whilst there have been a great number of individual successes across the year group, some students in particular have demonstrated excellence in a variety of subjects.

Notable achievements include:
• Chloe who achieved 6 GCSEs at grade 9 and 2 GCSES at grade 8
• Owen who achieved 4 GCSEs at grade 9, 2 GCSEs at grade 8 and 3 GCSEs at grade 7
• Serena who achieved 3 GCSEs at grade 9, 6 GCSEs at grade 8
• Amelie who achieved 3 GCSEs at grade 9, 5 GCSEs at grade 8 and a Distinction
• Samuel who achieved 3 GCSEs at grade 9, five GCSEs at grade 8 and 1 GCSE at grade 7
• Violette who achieved 3 GCSEs at grade 9, 1 GCSE at grade 8 and 3 GCSEs at grade 7
• Emmie who achieved 2 GCSEs at grade 9, 4 GCSEs at grade 8 and 3 GCSEs at grade 7
• Lucia who achieved 1 GCSE at grade 9 and 7 GCSEs at grade 8

Well done everyone!

If you have questions or would like to know more about our school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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